NURO Multi Day Runner?
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, everybody welcome back to your pre-market, live stream today, so we'll touch on all the popular stocks. For those that always tune in you guys know the deal. So one thing we're definitely going to focus on today is going to be the stock neuro um the average a row. Our avol scanner is saying it's a momentum mover today.

Of course i mean you can see how big it moved yesterday hit a high of 14 moved from like three bucks or four bucks um. Yesterday we started trading neuro down here um, then, by the time we finished trading, it was already moving this way, but anyways. So do believe this can be a multi-day runner. It had a very strong move.

We've broken out of all the long-term deviations, so we are overbought in this instance you're pretty much just watching and trading based off of momentum and price action um. So, for now we're going to be watching neuro long bias. It is overbought. You have a high risk of losing your money if you continue to hold neuro at prices of 1289 or anywhere above the prices of 850s.

So with that being said, we're going to be watching neuro on the long side today, but you do have to be careful because again, it's extremely overbought, so once it crashes you're going to get smoked um. You know i ideally if this is really going to break out and move a lot higher. It's got to go through the high of 14 12, which would be the after hours high since we're so far above a lot of levels. There's really not a whole lot.

I can tell you other than you're just watching intraday momentum, five minute charts, one minute, charts, price actions and candlesticks for the most part, all right now we're going to move on over to amc, so amc posted a video last night suggesting a price target of 47.48. In other words, it would be from like here to here ish, so this was what we had recommended on last night's video as being the recommended selling target as the market gets into these prices. That's where you'd want to be selling amc. For now it only got up to 45 this morning, pre-market which is two dollars off the price target two to three dollars um.

So i don't really know why it did that or why it's particularly stopping here so there's something i clearly don't understand as to what's happening this morning. It could very well be it just doesn't want to go to 48 to 49 and that's the way. I'm kind of feeling is that we got close and - and maybe it really doesn't want to go to 47.48 and if that's the case - and it doesn't actually want to go there - then we're going to be going down to this price today, so uh real quick. Let me add this here, so if my first analysis from last night is wrong, which it appears to be, which is that we're gon na go to 47 to 48 and then hit resistance um if that's incorrect, which again so far, it looks to be, then i'm Expecting the amc market to sell down to 39 uh to yeah basically 40 to 39.

So let's take a look here at the longer term chart. So, ideally, what we had suggested yesterday is you were long bias, amc to um this green arrow. So really, yesterday we recommended you were supposed to watch amc long to this point. All right, we didn't think it was going to break through the white line.
That's why we only gave a price target of like 39. Yesterday, once we broke the white line, i'm like well, we don't really have long term resistance until we get up to this pink box. So i figured we had legitimately broken out the white line and we were supposed to trend to the next trending resistance points. We didn't do that at least we haven't so far and you can see the markets pulling back now in this instance.

The market for me doesn't have trending support down until this little well, that green box, which is like the 39 price target. Let me make another one and make it bigger, so the pink for me is really true resistance, and the green for me is really true support, so you know that's what i was trying to explain is that if, in fact, that my original analysis from last night Is wrong on amc, then i could see a swinging all the way down to the next support level, which is really around 39. So i don't see myself buying amc long bias today unless it sells all the way down into this price zone, and i trade for a reversal bounce on the day or unless the market opens. It doesn't sell down to the green box and it has to create some sort of bullish price action formation.

That would convince me that it's going to continue back up to the red. So that's what i'm saying is you know we still could go to the red, but something magical has to happen on the intraday chart today that keeps it bullish, as opposed to dropping it to the next support. So basically, there has to be some sort of magical buyers that somehow support the market or short sellers happen to squeeze themselves out at the open and rip us to 40.. So that being said, that is today's analysis on amc.

Ladies and gentlemen, um so thoughts bitcoin going over 30k this morning, um. This isn't something i mentioned in the video just because i didn't really care to um, because i wanted to make it quick and not be like oh, but you can. We were still on support. You can see that half deviation, so it's not something i mentioned in yesterday's video i could have.

But realistically we are on support for a uh for bitcoin here down at the half deviation. So realistically we were still on a half deviation, trending support, but over the course of you know the longer term picture, and let me for those of you that tune in every morning. You guys are going to know more than those that just periodically watch the video. So someone who watched my video last night on bitcoin will forever think that my price target is 22 000 to 19 000., when in reality my price target is really just two deviations and two deviations can consistently move and change so realistically, for now, the price target Is to the green, so whatever price the green is at that's my price target.
So then, if three weeks from now bitcoin doesn't drop, but the green line's. Now at 26 000, then the price target's 26 000.. So the price target's gon na continuously change. But for now the price that those green lines are located at is like twenty two thousand five hundred ish to nineteen thousand.

So until those levels change, that's the price target for me um and right now you can see we're still on the half deviation price. So that's kind of why we're bouncing off this move, and i would believe that the reason it's such an aggressive bounce is because the move in relation to price in pattern formation looks bearish most of the people viewing this chart here on. Bitcoin are probably thinking. Oh, like descending wedge, bearish pattern.

You know when we break this support, it's going to crash, so the fact that it didn't break those are probably some people that were bearish, maybe bitcoin, and they might some short sellers might be getting taken. Out of that there is, you can short bitcoin, so i imagine there's some people that are buying the bounce. Maybe some people, betting bearers, that are getting taken out of the move, because they're trying to get the pattern formation to break down in reality is if you were shorting it yesterday. Let's say if you were shorting bitcoin yesterday you were theoretically shorting it right on support.

So you being the seller, you had to be the one to break support against the buyers, as opposed to shorting up here. You'd really be shorting into the downtrend trying to get back to support, so you just really didn't break support yesterday is is really the way i see bitcoin uh for the time being, but that's also a good hold something else. I'm watching too is the daily chart, or is it the daily chart of the four hour chart um? I think it's a daily chart, so i am watching this daily chart because there is a bullish divergence, that's happening, you know, so we do need some negative selling pressure to reverse that sort of bullish divergence. That could be an early signal that this is a bottom um, but i, like i said i think bitcoin was gon na try to tag negative two deviations before bouncing um.

I haven't, i don't necessarily think he's planning on buying any more bitcoin uh. He might. I can't say he won't after the price is correct and i'm sure he's probably thought about it, but i haven't had the discussion with him of whether or not he would um so yeah. No, no thoughts, no nothing regarding that.

Yet all right so we're going to pop on over we're going to take a look at um. Someone just mentioned cemi. So cemi is a candidate that we are watching today. I think it got some news regarding coven 19 and like a 28 million dollar order for antigen chess antigen tests.
If i'm pronouncing that right, i could be wrong about that yeah. So yeah they got a big purchase order for some of their antigen tests, so um. Okay, connor get it together all right. Let's see you have to do this, so we're gon na delete all this on my chart, we're going to go we're going to go back through it a second here, so we're going to go to the daily chart.

Uh, the daily chart is kind of we're going to start in the four hour chart. So we look at the four hour chart all right go to the four-hour chart. You have this orange line, basically, where the price is at currently um. You have a half deviation price here.

Oh, i can already see this analysis taking a long time. I'm sorry! What time is it? 8? 40. we're doing all right all right! We got ta. Do this one! We can leave that red.

I don't think we'll go down to here, so i'm not even gon na talk about that. One um, maybe here we'll see, but why would that one be so that's gon na be yellow, pretty sure orange yellow same deal um and that one would be yellow too. I guess come on here: we go, i'm just like putting all these levels just in case, because i hate when i do an analysis and i'm like. Oh, i don't really think it's going to do that.

So i'm not going to mention the levels and then it happens, and i'm the only one that knows why it did what it did, because i never explained it to everyone else. So, ideally, the simplest way i could say this is this: is your current resistance of the market that you're trying to get through and that if you successfully break this little like pink shaded area out, you would then try to target up to probably this level of 580 to 6. and then along the way to the green box. You have these two dotted white line areas here and here which pretty much is there's a lot of on my chart right now, but um.

So the two wa dotted white lines are really the midway point from the red to the green so from the bottom of the red to the bottom of the green. The dotted white line that i'm hovering over would be the halfway mark to in between those. So from the very bottom of the red to the very bottom of the green, the first dotted white line is the halfway marker distance between the two. The second dotted white line would be the halfway mark from the top of the red zone to the top of the green zone, marking the halfway point so on a full, legitimate breakout.

Today, from cemi, the market should move a total of one deviations which would be into the green, and, if that happens, the green will typically be a good selling point. The green is six dollars to 570.. The resistance zone right now that you need to break is 427 to 480. um.

I mean you will notice. Once we got up here we sold down, then we hesitated we broke back above then we came back below hesitate, hesitate, hesitate, dip, come back up, hesitate, hesitate, hesitate. So you know where the resistance is at. You know where the top of the resistance zone is at.
You know where the target's at and then the two dotted white lines in the middle can be areas of hesitation where the stock sees a red candle within its tread. Don't get scared of those half deviations or do sometimes they screw your ass, but anyways just know that the dotted white lines are periods where you could see some hesitation within the greater move: okay, alrighty, um, nice. All right. I will talk about qqq, so qqq.

I don't really have a big analysis to tell you, because i just don't um. So if you remember from yesterday, i said that i was short, the queues in the morning, looking forward to go bearish out of the gates, we went bearish and then we tagged perfectly on support and so pretty much into this move in the morning on the queues. We covered the short and then the market went long. We had mentioned on the queues that you were supposed to be long.

Biased was this monday, monday, tuesday yeah. So on sunday night we posted a video. We said that you'd buy the market. Here we were off by like three cents and then the next morning we said you should be short going into the open.

The market moves down into short touches back to support and then it bounces. So this was the recommended long and then we did recommend a short to start. The day. Yesterday today, um i feel like the market's gon na try a bearish start.

I don't really think we're gon na have a big big day. I couldn't be wrong about that. So let me just kind of give you why i'm confused, so this is a moment where i really, i don't have a game plan for the market. This is a time where i'm literally just kind of just watching.

I don't. I don't really don't really care. What happens? There's nothing about the way. It's positioned that i have entry points or exit points or really anything.

So we had recommended that you would dip by the mean the other day, you can see the white line and then we bounce, so we bounce back up to the nine-day moving average. And so i do believe that the markets are going to try to do a bearish move to bring the market back down and maybe continue the downtrend um. So i'm going for slightly bearish to maybe an inside day if i'm really wrong and somehow this market gets extremely extremely bearish and like really crashes, then you'd expect it goes back down to prices of 353 dollars. But i'm not predicting that because that's just like that's kind of tough, so pretty much for me, it's just a neutral consolidation day or bearish.

I'm not extremely long, biased this market right now, because we again, we touched support the other day that was support. Okay, that bottom, that's where the dip buy, was okay, we're not on that bottom right. So this is this red line is where true supports at unless buyers support the market in a random zone, which can very well happen again. This is where people bought the market.
We've bounced so unless buyers want to come in and support price action levels and keep the trend going up, so be it. If not, i don't see a low risk zone on a buy until maybe down here for the time being, so i'm just neutral on the market for now to slightly bearish yeah. So we can talk about bbig. I got chopped up on this one.

A little bit today was a really annoying piece of for the most part. Um did some blondes did some shorts, but anyways. We gave a price target today. You know if we could get through this high on bbig.

We gave price targets selling zones of 389 to 410., so pretty much. I think you might see one more move on bbig, maybe to the top of the zone to 410, but i really wouldn't be looking for much more than 410 and the reason being is because this is a bounce and the bounce has almost come back. To the mean okay, if we look at this chart, you see the white line. So again the market came down to negative.

One deviation trend bounce back all the way up, and so we've almost retraced on this bounce. Back to the long term statistical mean, if you break the mean it can be a big move, but i don't think that's going to happen. I'm just not based on the way bbig moves. I mean we had one big blast off here.

Then we spiked, then we crashed, then we kind of spiked then we're back down and then we roll and then we kind of up and then we're down and we're up. And so basically, we haven't really seen bbig in the past. Do significantly big big breakouts, as opposed to this one time here, aside from that, it hasn't really had anything too crazy. So i'm not thinking we're going to break the mean today, but my at most price target for the day is 406.

in the event that i'm wrong, and it goes through the price of 406 for 10-ish. It would most likely occur after hitting resistance at that price. You would most likely see the price of bbig increase to a value of 406. Then you would see sellers hammer the price back down and if, in the event, the buyers on the market for bbig are strong enough to out, weigh or beat the sellers that enter the market at 406, only then will you be able to continue forcing a long Move which would be a break of the mean thumbs up so 410 406 max price bbig.

For me, right now feels like a low floater kind of dang, really um ccmi i'll. Take a peek, really quick um we already went over neuro again. Neuro is we'll touch on it really quickly. Neuro is something that you're just basically trading momentum off of intraday, five minute and or one minute candles.

You don't really have price targets on the upside that i can give in relation to long term. Charts just know that my at most price target for the day on neura would be like 25, that's as high as i would trade that, for the time being, that will continue to go higher if neuro goes higher. If neuro starts a day going up, then that price target will then end up going to 30 and then, if it goes up more, then it will go to 40 and so on so forth. But for right now, since i don't have any, i could add long-term levels, but i don't think i'm going to do it because they're not as reliable but nonetheless you're pretty much just following neuro for a multi-day runner.
Staying on the long side of the day, tracking intraday momentum, and that's pretty much just it see like yesterday, we could have told you a bunch of levels that you could have traded around. All the levels that you were trading and looking around were right here on neuro and look. It went through and broke all of those levels right and so and they've increased today, but anyways you, you broke through a lot of long-term levels yesterday, so now there are no long-term levels to go off of you're, pretty much just looking at intraday price action at This point: actually this is kind of interesting. This is the first time i've seen this this morning, xtnt hmm kind of lower price um, so yeah xtnt is currently battling to stay kind of over a support yeah, but it probably already hit that too so xtnt you're.

Looking for xtnt to gain back control of the prices of 180, so pretty much your long, slash break point is right. Now, it's not up here! Okay, that's your resistance point! Your long break point exists at about a dollar eighty right now, so if you know the market has the right volume and momentum, you can shift it through 1.80 and maybe squeeze it up to 210.. Now, if you can get through 210, that's where a bigger move can happen um. So let's say in the event you actually break 210 11 successfully, which is the standard deviation mean.

Then you could look for a move up to 276. i'll say for now. The at most price target you should have for xtnt on the day is 276.. Breakpoint is about 185.

First resistance on the day will be about 210. 210 can be your next big breakout point if you break the mean and the price target after that would be 276, which is actually probably slightly wrong, because i didn't look at the other time frame. No, it's yeah spot. It also there's going to be a slight resistance in the midway point, probably around like 242, but anyways um.

I think somebody asked about fce i'll. Take a peek really quickly, duh yeah downtrend. I think it might revert back down to the prices of 565 fceo dkng uh dkng just got back so um. I think it was last didn't.

We just suggest this as a long move. Last week i think we did. We said that you've entered the short term. Buy zone and it dipped through briefly, but we've came back up so dkng on the bounce that you're seeing has currently got back up to its short-term resistance target that it was going for so everybody buying the dip in the green box and buying down here was Targeting to go back to here, so they successfully done what they wanted to do on their bounce trade.
So um, let me take a look because it still looks decently. Strong, really. The question we're battling now is whether or not it can break that one and target to the next. So, ideally, what you're looking for on dkng right now is you're.

Looking for some sort of signal, any sort of um conviction, confirmation that we've successfully broken the 47 25 level to then target up to about 49.30, so, ideally you're on resistance. I feel as if dkng is going to start with the bearish move, because this is the first attempt at resistance. So i think you're going to start with the bearish move to start the day on dkng and then you might see it get bought up later in the day and or by tomorrow. If, in the event, the market doesn't blow - and it does positive so at most price target within this current move - that you're seeing for dkng for me, is going to be a max price target of 49.30 you're starting the day on resistance.

So you'll probably start with a sell-off okay on to the next one. What time is it 855 nrbo uh? Well that spiked up yesterday what a what a bag? What a bag but anyways our analysis did our analysis hold true, i mean almost um. So yesterday we had mentioned that nrbo had resistance at like 4 418 420 to like 443, you can see, we spiked up, hit, pulled, hit, pulled back and then later in the day the market was able to cross it, and that's why you broke out again. That was what we told you.

The resistance was the market respected that resistance all day later in the day, he was able to gain enough momentum to break it, and then you squeezed and then it squeezed up to. I think, maybe that our at most target we told you is 4.95. I can't i don't remember saying it, but it's on my chart and if it's on my chart there's a reason it's on there. It's because it was a price level.

So 495 might have been the at most target. We gave you if, in the event it actually broke the 440. I didn't think it would break 440. So that was probably what the case was.

I didn't think it was going through 440, but we gave you the 495 at most target. If, in the event it did, you can see it got to there spiked through quite a bit, then it came back down under um. So nrbo is it's pretty much done for boeing hold on god, damn it i suck just so annoying see i'm sitting here on this freaking stream, and i missed a good potential trader. Look at this, so i just came to meds right now.

I just saw it on the scanner. I just came to it. Okay, look at this, so this was my analysis from some time ago. I didn't - i did not put this red box here this morning.

This red box is here from the past. Okay, the market on meds today stopped at i think, 8 32., so we're going to put a candle there we're going to put a level at 8, 32, just in case watch what happens when we go back to. I think the 4 hour chart look at that. So my analysis from the past is still holding true.
You can see the market spiked up today on meds into the red box and we have started selling down. Specifically, we have spikes back up to the blue line here which existed at eight dollars. So, if i would have saw this, when we were trading up at eight, i would have been shorting this top on uh on meds. So as the market on meds runs up into that red zone to the price excuse me of eight dollars, i would be shorting into this top looking to break it down.

Um. That's too bad, that's just too bad unfortunate, so cool half standard deviations are not stronger or weaker, no or they're, not stronger, um, ambids um. I wouldn't really oh yeah. You could say the long term charts trying to create a pennant here so yeah.

This could be something that you know in the future as long as it holds in the near term. As long as it holds above two deviations and trends back over three deviations, then you can see a breakout. Otherwise it's not going to happen for breakouts to happen. In a situation like this, the market needs to stay.

Consolidating. Excuse me, the market on meds would have to stay consolidating near the highs of the previous tops in order to force a breakout and the reason. Why is in this situation? If meds stayed trading near the highs of the previous tops, and anybody who has been short, biased from the past or anybody who is short bias currently from today, will get really really nervous, as the price of meds continues to stay, consolidating near the highs, causing more Nervousness causing more weak hands, etcetera, etcetera, causing a higher likely chance. The stock is going to break out above the three deviation and the four deviation and or the previous highs.

If, in the event, meds ends up selling back down below two deviations and going down to one deviation, which is about 597, then there's gon na be a ton of more work. The bulls are gon na have to do in order to get the price on meds. All the way back to three deviations and convince the short sellers that it's gon na squeeze so with that being said, meds did just decrease down to the negative two deviate deviation, so you can see it went to the blue and then it sold all the way Down to the red, and that's the reason that the candle is currently bouncing in the market on meds, right or we'll kind of so you can see. We've sold from the blue.

Now we're coming down to red hands, clap hand, clap got ta, go love! You guys! Everybody take care, don't forget, to hit the thumbs up button with. That being said, i will see you guys in the next video make sure to head over to mat coors and trade trades uh stream, because i'm sure they're going to be streaming today and then, while you're at it, make sure you post a link to the boiler Trading youtube channel. That would be much appreciate. That being said have a good day.
I'm just kidding you have to do that.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “Nuro multi day runner?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James P says:

    I pumped you're posting this. I watched this the last few days thanks to your finviz screener vid. I missed out so far because I thought "Surely, this thing can't keep doing this…."

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All We Do is Twin! says:

    So, this video is not at all about NURO….ugh

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rob winter says:

    Good heads up on NURO – Thank you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muslim Andijanin says:

    30.42 So crazy

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muslim Andijanin says:

    I could not decide to buy it when it was 17.23 🤔😎 Big Mistaken

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muslim Andijanin says:

    And now 25.85 it is crazy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B. Sharp says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B. Sharp says:

    Your thought on $wish here under $10.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    Can you give me any words of advice for day trading, along with having an 8-5 job? I graduated with a 4.0 in Finance 3 years ago and I'm currently an accountant

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Duncan says:

    AMC bounced off the 21 EMA on the daily

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chan S says:

    Any idea if u will stream post ur scanner

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chan S says:

    What’s up Connor

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leon Hoffman says:

    It's at 17.23 now. Crazy momentum.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B. Sharp says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Whittington says:

    Long time watcher. Just want to let you know as a fellow trader that bitcoin bottom is in. B-word conference happening today will mark the end of the manipulation used to accumulate a large BTC position. Price will only go higher from today. Obv you won't trust a rando pleb in YT comments who tells "you bitcoin go up" but just remember this comment as you see bitcoin climb from today on. Never bought a course but have gotten lots of value from your content. Hopefully you will take a trade on BTC and my tip can be some sort of compensation for your time.

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